“Mom Bladder”– Getting Up to Pee Five Times Per Night!

This is what one of my clients shared with me at a recent follow-up appointment:
“I don’t get out of bed to pee anymore. It used to be about five times a night! I didn’t even know that this is something I could get help with.”

She was getting up all night to pee, and was exhausted. She just assumed that this was her “new normal” after having babies.

After one session of gentle work with her pelvis, she was down to only one nightly bathroom trip, and when I checked in a few weeks later, she said that she had forgotten that she used to have to do that! Now she stays in bed all night.

So many women are living with pelvic function issues that they believe are normal. Ladies, it doesn’t have to be this way, and you deserve better!

If you are having any kind of pelvic floor concerns: bladder urgency or continence issues, pelvic pain, tension, weakness, etc., let’s have a chat about it.


Lynn– Cesarean Scarring/ Adhesions, Pelvic Pain, Hormonal Imbalance